Where Women and Men Align
of American men and women say mail was the MOST MEMORABLE FORM OF POLITICAL ADVERTISING they saw during the 2020 election cycle.1
of women and men READ DIRECT MAIL UPON RECEIVING it or save to read for later.1
On one of the postcards that I received, it mentioned the pros and cons of voting for a candidate, I think that was memorable because it showed both sides and I mean it still seemed a bit biased because they knew my political affiliation, but that helped me fact check on my own investigation.”
— Woman in Focus Group3
The Nuanced Differences Between Women & Men
MEN ARE SLIGHTLY MORE LIKELY than women to say that mail during Virginia gubernatorial race impacted their opinion on candidates in 20212
WOMEN ARE MORE LIKELY TO LOOK TO SOCIAL MEDIA AND FRIENDS AND FAMILY FOR INFORMATION, while men more likely to get information from cable news.
Source of information for news and current events:1
RECEIVING THE MAIL STARTS THE ENGAGEMENT WITH MEN who are more likely to socialize the campaign info and search online for information compared to women1
with friends & family1
FOLLOW THE CANDIDATE OR ISSUE on social or search online to learn more about the race1
Men Are More Likely to Leverage Mail-to- Digital Integration Technology
OF MEN RECALLED SEEING POLITICAL MAIL on Informed Delivery during the 2020 election cycle compared to 49% of women1