July 15, 2024

Bar measurement graphs of varying sizes on a sheet of paper.

Is your ad spend measuring up?

Political ad spend in 2024 is projected to reach $12.2 billion.1 This means a huge allocation of budget dollars is being put toward campaign advertising. With so much on the line, the pressure to deliver results and prove return on ad spend is greater than ever.

Your key to success:
Making an impact during every stage of your campaign.

Having a channel in your media mix that performs in the initial round but that can also be measured so that subsequent communications can be even more effective is key to helping you deliver the win.

This is the power of mail.

Direct mail, along with innovative mail technologies like the USPS Informed Delivery® and Informed Visibility® features, can help you step-up performance. It can also help you track, measure, and prove your campaign’s effectiveness.

Illustration of a justice scale.

Maximizing your impact.

Direct mail is more persuasive than digital channels such as websites, emails, and social media.2 This empowers it to deliver more impact throughout your campaign.

Informed Visibility reporting increases your campaign’s impact even more by empowering channel coordination.

It enables the timing of direct mail campaigns to be synced with digital channels by:

  • Providing near-real-time tracking data, so you know when your mail reaches voters.
  • Empowering you to time your messages with other channels.
Illustration of a laptop with a gradually increasing bar graph on the screen.

Measuring your effectiveness.

Direct mail is highly measurable, which enables mid-campaign optimization.
Using technologies like personalized URLs and QR code® images in your direct mail pieces can give you insights on which voters are responding by tracking who visits your website and social media pages.

The Informed Delivery feature increases measurability by bridging digital and physical advertising worlds.

It also gives your campaign a quick read on how effective your direct mail is by providing click-through rates with data available the same day that your mail piece arrives.

How it works:

  • 62 million registered users3 receive a digital preview of the mail they are receiving everyday, so voters know your direct mail piece is coming.
  • When you create an Informed Delivery interactive campaign, you enable voters to visit your website or social media page with a single click.
  • Daily reports on click-through rates help you measure your success.

Bottom line.

As the race to the general election continues on, monitoring campaign performance should be at the top of your to-do list to help ensure the best outcome. Direct mail is a powerful voter engagement channel that also can deliver the visibility you need to deliver the win.

Screenshot of the Informed Delivery for Political Campaigns info sheet with an image of a hand holding a cell phone.

Informed Delivery for Political Campaigns

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