September 1, 2024

Dice with outlines of people on them, some in red and some in blue.

How to convert undecided voters into campaign supporters

In today’s polarized political world, election outcomes can come down to a few thousand or even a few hundred votes cast by constituents who were undecided until the last minute.

Converting the undecided and driving them to the polls is key to your campaign’s success because they have the power to determine whether your candidate wins or loses.

The number of undecided voters in the U.S. is rising. More voters than ever are unsure of who they will vote for—if they end up voting at all. Persuading people to vote who otherwise would not have, can have a huge impact in how well your candidate does.


According to the University of Florida Election Lab, 34% of citizens who were eligible to vote in 2020 did not.1

But in any given election, that can change. An undecided or “nonvoter” can transform into a voter at any time—and their decision to participate can be the deciding factor for your campaign to deliver the win.


25% of the ballots in 2020 were cast by people who didn’t vote in 2016.2

Now is the time to seize the undecided voter opportunity. Even with the election just weeks away, you still have time to capture this key voting bloc.

It’s important to keep in mind that this audience requires different tactics than the ones you use when appealing to your supporters because their mindset is different.

The first step to your success is understanding who they are.

A clear pattern with undecided voters is that they are younger than likely voters. Nearly half (43%) are under 45 years old.3

The undecided audience is not all the same. Targeting them effectively requires sending the right message to the right segment. These can be broken down into people who are:

  • Actively seeking information: Providing detailed information around your candidate’s stance on issues can help them make a decision in your favor.
  • Unlikely to vote: Making an emotional connection by telling them why supporting your candidate matters to their lives can help sway these sideliners to vote.
  • Likely to vote: Connecting with this group takes less effort than trying to persuade undecided voters. Sending Get Out the Vote (GOTV) information can be valuable to help ensure they get to the polls to seal the deal in your favor.

The next step is using the right channel to make an impact.

Why direct mail is well suited to help your campaign connect with undecided voters.

Research shows that voters and political consultants believe direct mail is a compelling, informative, and trusted, channel—making it a powerful medium to inform and educate undecided voters about your candidate and bolster your GOTV efforts.


of surveyed voters trust direct mail more than other advertising channels. Moreover, 62% believe direct mail includes more facts.4


of surveyed consultants believe direct mail is the most informative and educational advertising channel to communicate political information.4

Direct mail is an effective medium to fuel your GOTV efforts.

Providing information about your candidate and frequent reminders on where, when, and how to vote can help your campaign motivate the undecided to vote. Research shows that right before the election, voters want to see information on where and how to vote.4

Direct mail gets noticed.

71% of surveyed voters still check their mailbox at least four days a week.4

Bottom line.

As election day nears, now is the time to target undecided voters and inspire them to act. Targeting them requires more effort than motivating your supporters but is worth your time. Direct mail is a powerful ally to help your campaign to captivate, educate, and motivate undecided voters—and ultimately win their vote.

Close-up of a hand holding a political mail piece with a photo of a female candidate on the front.

Reach out to a Direct Mail Consultant

Get expert advice on how to create a campaign that successfully converts the undecided voter into a supporter.

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